Description of article
Struktura a statická stabilita porostů pod různým režimem výchovy na bývalé zemědělské půdě.[Structure and static stability of stands under different regimes of thinning on former agricultural land] 12 - 16.
Name of article: | Struktura a statická stabilita porostů pod různým režimem výchovy na bývalé zemědělské půdě |
Number: | 1 |
Year: | 2009 |
Author: | David Dušek, Marian Slodičák |
In order to find out the effect of various thinning regimes on growth and development of Norway spruce stands planted on former agricultural lands, the experiment was founded in 11-year old even-aged stand in 1971. The experimental stands are situated in forest region 29 – the Nízký Jeseník Mts. on rich sites at elevation of 450 m a. s. l. In 2000, at the stand age of 40 years, the experiment was reevaluated on a series of three comparative plots: control plot (K) without thinning and comparative plots 25S and 50s where 25% and 50% of basal area were removed. Attention was paid to diameter structure, mean height and height of 200 thickest trees, basal area, stand volume and static stability of stand. Statistical significant differences in diameter structure and in dimensions of dominant trees were detected between control plot and plots with thinning. However, differences were not significant between plots 25S and 50S. The received data confirmed that thinning in Norway spruce stands growing on former agricultural lands is effective way if increasing their resistance to snow and wind damage.