Description of article
Trnovník akát (Robinia pseudoacacia) – jeho množení, pěstování a likvidace: review.[Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) – its propagation, silviculture and eradication: review] 11-19
Name of article: | Trnovník akát (Robinia pseudoacacia) – jeho množení, pěstování a likvidace: review |
Number: | 1 |
Year: | 2020 |
Author: | Ivan Kuneš, Martin Baláš |
The literature review summarises the management practices of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) covering the topics of seed management and nursery production, silvicultural techniques as well as the approaches to the eradication of this tree species. In the Czech Republic, black locust is not included in the conventional forestry schemes because of environmental hazards related to its invasiveness. However, black locust could play a significant role, e.g. in energy plantations, short rotation production plantations (lignicultures) or in the urban greenery. In the European Union, there are countries like Hungary and Romania, where black locust represents an integral and important part of forestry. On the other hand, there are situations in which strict control and/or eradication of black locust is of crucial importance. The authors of this literature review decided to provide the Czech forestry audience with general information and experience on management of black locust under various scenarios in an open access forestry journal written in Czech. As we have experienced several years of extremely low precipitation and high temperatures in the Czech Republic, such information could be useful for Czech forest practitioners in particular.