Description of article
Výskyt nepovolených skládek na pozemcích určených k plnění funkcí lesa.[Illegal dumping on lands providing services of forest] 241 - 248.
Name of article: | Výskyt nepovolených skládek na pozemcích určených k plnění funkcí lesa |
Number: | 3 |
Year: | 2012 |
Author: | Aneta Fechtnerová |
Even in modern times the occurrence of illegal dumps in woodlands is a very serious problem. The aim of this paper is to focus on illegal dumping investigation in the forests managed by Forests of the Czech Republic, state enterprise (Lesy ČR, s. p.). The reason of the selection was that they provide anonymity and hidden places spread over large areas with little or no protection. People who dump rubbish illegally do not fully realize the possible negative effects of that activity on woodlands. Unfortunately, it is not easy to eliminate the harmful impact of illegal dumping on the environment. Moreover, it is a landowner, not a person actually involved in illegal dumping, who must pay to have the illegal waste removed. The information taken from the Register of illegal dumps, which is kept by Forests of the Czech Republic, is used in the study for the statistical survey of the total volume of amount of waste disposed of in cubic meters removed from the whole area covered in illegal dumps in square meters and the expenses incurred by Forests of the Czech Republic for the dump rubbish clearance. The analysis of time series was applied to carry out the statistical survey. I used questionnaire surveys to get detailed information about illegal dumps in the Czech forests.