Description of article
Vývoj dubového porastu s rozdielnou počiatočnou výchovou[Development of oak stand under different initial tending] 73-85
Name of article: | Vývoj dubového porastu s rozdielnou počiatočnou výchovou |
Number: | 2 |
Year: | 2021 |
Author: | Igor Štefančík |
At the turn of the 1970s and 1980s, oak stands were affected by a tracheomycosis disease of fungal origin, known as the mass dieback of oaks. At present, the effects of climate change, especially drought, have also begun to affect oak stands. Suitable stand tending methods are considered to be one of the mitigation measures. This paper compares the 25-year development of the oak stand, which was established with different variants of tending. Quantitative characteristics (number of trees, basal area, merchantable volume, increment on basal area and volume, total production) were evaluated. The influence of tending was also monitored in relation to the development of crop trees. The results confirmed the highest values of quantitative parameters on control plots. It has been shown that heavy tending interventions in the early developmental stages of oak stands are less suitable compared to moderate interventions. For more information see Summary at the end of the article.