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Ptačí diverzita v historickém zámeckém parku – implikace pro ochranu biodiverzity v hospodářských lesích[Bird diversity in a historic manor park – implications for biodiversity conservation in managed forests] 206-215
Název článku: | Ptačí diverzita v historickém zámeckém parku – implikace pro ochranu biodiverzity v hospodářských lesích |
DOI: | 10.59269/zlv/2024/3/736 |
Číslo: | 3 |
Rok: | 2024 |
Autor: | Ivo Machar |
Long-term trends of abundance and diversity of forest birds have been very stable over past decades in European managed forests. It can be caused by high heterogeneity on habitat scale. In European cultural landscapes, there is another habitat very similar to managed forests, and that is a historic manor park. The parks can even show higher bird diversity than managed forests. However, there is an evident knowledge gap related to long-term changes of bird abundance and diversity in the habitats of manor parks. In this study we observed long-term changes of bird community in the historic manor park Čechy pod Kosířem (Czech Republic) using comparison of bird territory mapping in 2022–2023 with older bird studies in this locality. We gained an overview of bird community changes in the manor park for the period of 1997–2023. Results show that the bird community in historic manor park was remarkably unvarying in abundance and diversity. Historic manor parks can be considered as important refuges for forest bird diversity in cultural landscapes. We discuss the research implications for conserving bird diversity in managed forests especially in connection with large old trees preservation providing heterogeneity of nest habitats.