Editing is a part of the Department of Informatics. Its activity is mainly focused on presenting of research results to forest public as well as to other interested in this subject.
The department in prepares publications (periodicals, proceedings) i.e. edits them both linguistically and technically as a completed material for printing works.
FGMRI publishes:
- Reports Forestry Research
- Forestry Guidelines
- Communicationes Instituti Forestalis Bohemicae
The FGMRI publications are propagated not only within the Czech Republic but also in abroad being translated either the complete articles or at least short abstracts and summaries.
Our publications are open to everybody who has someothing to say to problems of forestry within all its fields.
Publications can be ordered on the address:
Výzkumný ústav lesního hospodářství a myslivosti
Věra Laštovičková
Strnady 136
252 02 Strnady
Tel.: +420 257 892 237; +420 257 892 224
Fax: 420 257 921 444