Consequences of Bark beetle calamity in Central Europe
Jihlava, June 20th – 23th 2022
Last year on-line FORESTS´ FUTURE conference has summarized the bark beetle infestation in European countries and discussed its foreseen impact on forestry sector, environment and community. Thanks to relatively cold and moist vegetation season in Central Europe the calamity slowed down in 2021 and sometimes is presented as being under control or even overcame. What development can we expect? Do we observe ecological threats on large clear-cut areas? What are the best procedures for reforestation to provide future forests stability in changing environmental and climatic conditions? And what is the perception of current situation by forest owners and general public? These are topics we want to share and discuss during the next FORESTS´ FUTURE meeting.
The workshop is organized under the auspices of the Czech Minister of Agriculture Ing. Zdeněk Nekula.
Registration ♠ Abstract submission ♠ Programme, deadlines, fees ♠ Venue and accommodation ♠ Transport
- Presentations of participants
- List of posters
- Book of abstracts
- Excursion guide
- Programme
- List of participants
Conference sessions
- Session 1: The calamity – has it already passed?
- Session 2: Ecology of post-disturbance areas – can we document negative effect of bark beetle outbreak on C sequestration, hydrology, soil erosion, biodiversity?
- Session 3: Reproductive sources – are they sufficient in amount and species structure? Should we use non-native/introduced species?
- Session 4: Silviculture – what kind of forest we want to have? How to start and continue on clear-cut area?
- Session 5: Economy and Forest Policy – what are needs of forest owners and wishes of the public? Are the calamity consequences reflected on European level?
The Scientific Committee
Henning Andreae (SBS Sachsen); Eckehard Brockerhoff (WSL, Switzerland); Matjaž Čater (GOZDIS Slovenia); Dirk-Roger Eisenhauer (SBS Sachsen); Wojciech Grodzki (IBL Poland); Gernot Hoch (BFW Austria); Jiří Novák (FGMRI Czechia); Miloš Knížek (FGMRI Czechia); Václav Kupčák; Pavel Pavlenda (NLC Slovakia); Dalibor Šafařík (MENDELU Czechia); Josef Vakula (NLC Slovakia); Monika Vejpustková (FGMRI Czechia); Heino Wolf (SBS Sachsen); Tadeusz Zachara (IBL Poland)