Programme, deadlines, fees FORECOMON 2024



Monday 10. 6. 2024
18:30 – 21:00 Welcome drink (Instructions on how to find the venue)

Tuesday 11. 6. 2024
9:00 – 18:00 FORECOMON Conference; Final downloadable programme; Conference Proceedings

Wednesday 12. 6. 2024
8:30 – 21:00 Excursion; Excursion guide

Thursday 13. 6. 2024
9:00 – 17:30 ICP Forests Task Force Meeting, Provisional Agenda
19:00 – 22:00 Social diner (Instructions on how to find the venue)

Friday 14. 6. 2024
9:00 – 12:00 Task Force Meeting continuing
12:00 – 13:00 Closing of the meeting by lunch

Abstract submission: January 31st 2024
Abstract acceptance: February 29th 2024
Registration: March 31st 2024

Welcome drink:                                              free
FORECOMON Conference:                         100,- €
Excursion:                                                        80,- €
Task Force Meeting 13/6 personal:            110,- €
Task Force Meeting 13/6 on-line:                 40,- €
Social dinner                                                    65,- €
Task Force Meeting 14/6 personal:             90,- €
Task Force Meeting 14/6 on-line:                30,- €