List of employees


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Hvězdová Alenahvezdova@vulhmop.cz494 668 391130Department of Silviculture in Opočno
Kuřáková Hana, Bc.257 892 258258Department of Forest Tree Species Biology and Breeding in Strnady
Smolíková Renáta, Ing.smolikova@vulhmop.cz494 668 391143Department of Silviculture in OpočnoForest research station Opocno
Šimek Davidsimek@vulhmop.cz494 668 391119Department of Silviculture in Opočno
Jurásek Antonín, doc. Ing. CSc.jurasek@vulhmop.cz494 668 391141Department of Silviculture in Opočno
Zahradník Petr, doc. Ing. CSc.zahradnik@vulhm.czDepartment of Forest Protection Service in Strnady
Šrámek Vít, doc. Ing. Ph.D.sramek@vulhm.cz257 892 221221Director
Slodičák Marian, Doc. RNDr. CSc.slodicak@vulhmop.cz494 668 391143Department of Silviculture in Opočno
Bartoš Dušanbartosd@vulhmop.cz494 668 391124Department of Silviculture in Opočno
Flejberková Eliška, 257 892 242242Department of Forestry Information Service
Ráčková Evarackova@vulhmop.cz494 668 391140Department of Silviculture in Opočno
Buriánková Hana257 892 258, 257 892 256258, 256Department of Forest Tree Species Biology and Breeding in Strnady
Tošnarová Idatosnarova@vulhm.cz257 892 208208Department of Accouting Management
Lubojacký Jan, Ing. Bc. Ph.D.lubojacky@vulhm.czDepartment of Forest Protection Service in Strnady
Dostál Jaroslav, Ing. Bc.dostal@vulhm.cz257 892 266266Department of Forest Tree Species Biology and Breeding in Strnady
Dušek David, Ing. Ph.D.dusek@vulhmop.cz494 668 391136Department of Silviculture in Opočno
Kacálek Dušan, Ing. Ph.D.kacalek@vulhmop.cz494 668 391127Department of Silviculture in Opočno
Bednář Pavel, Ing. et Ing. Mgr. Ph.D.bednar@vulhmop.cz494 668 391150Department of Silviculture in OpočnoForest research station Opocno
Novotný Petr, Ing. et Ing. Ph.D.pnovotny@vulhm.cz257 892 265265Department of Forest Tree Species Biology and Breeding in Strnady
Pokorná Eva, Ing. Ph.D.pokorna@vulhm.cz257 892 263MDDepartment of Forest Tree Species Biology and Breeding in Strnady
Erbanová Evelína, Ing. Ph.D.melounova@vulhmop.cz494 668 391144Department of Silviculture in Opočno
Beran František, Ing.beran@vulhm.cz257 892 266266Department of Forest Tree Species Biology and Breeding in Strnady
Havránek František, Ing. CSc.havranek@vulhm.cz257 892 222209Department of Game Management in Strnady
Lorenc František, Ing. Ph.D.lorenc@vulhm.cz257 892 299299Department of Forest Protection Service in Strnady
Šach František, Ing. CSc.sach@vulhmop.cz494 668 391139Department of Silviculture in Opočno
Cvrčková Helena, Ing. Ph.D.cvrckova@vulhm.cz257 892 268268Department of Forest Tree Species Biology and Breeding in Strnady
Černý Jakub, Ing. Ph.D.cerny@vulhmop.cz494 668 391148Department of Silviculture in OpočnoForest research station Opocno
Špoula Jakub, 257 892 287287Department of Forest Protection Service in Strnady
Bartoš Jan, Ing. Ph.D.bartos@vulhmop.cz494 668 391151Department of Silviculture in Opočno
Cukor Jan, 725 970 771Department of Game Management in Strnady
Leugner Jan, Ing. Ph.D.leugner@vulhmop.cz494 668 391137Department of Silviculture in Opočno
Liška Jan, Ing.liska@vulhm.cz257 892 222201Department of Forest Protection Service in Strnady
Řezáč Jan, Ing.rezac@vulhm.cz257 892 243243Department of Forestry Information Service
Danysová Jana, Ing. danysova@vulhm.cz257 892 226226Office of the Director
Nárovcová Jarmila, Ing. Ph.D.narovcova@vulhmop.cz494 668 391126Department of Silviculture in Opočno
Čáp Jiří, Ing.cap@vulhm.cz257 892 262262Department of Forest Tree Species Biology and Breeding in Strnady
Novák Jiří, Ing. Ph.D.novak@vulhmop.cz494 668 391135Department of Silviculture in Opočno
Souček Jiří, Ing. Ph.D.soucek@vulhmop.cz494 668 391147Department of Silviculture in Opočno
Vrátná Jitka, Ing. MBA.vratna@vulhm.cz257 892 222225Deputy of the Director
Pechačová Johana, 257 892 263263Department of Forest Tree Species Biology and Breeding in Strnady
Kyseláková Jolana, Ing.kyselakova@vulhmuh.cz572 420 916Department of Reproductive Sources in Kunovice
Frýdl Josef, Ing. CSc.frydl@vulhm.cz257 892 271271Department of Forest Tree Species Biology and Breeding in Strnady
Brožovičová Kamila 722 993 214Department of Reproductive Sources in Kunovice
Brynychová Kateřina, Ing. 732 805 905Department of Game Management in Strnady
Bezděčková Lena, Ing.bezdeckova@vulhmuh.cz572 420 929Department of Reproductive Sources in Kunovice
Čížková Luďka, 607 993 856Department of Forest Tree Species Biology and Breeding in Strnady
Strnad Lukáš, Ing. 257 892 252252Department of Forest Ecology in Strnady
Benedíková Marie, Ing.benedikova@vulhmuh.cz572 549 115Department of Reproductive Sources in Kunovice
Zahradníková Marie, Ing.zahradnikova@vulhm.czDepartment of Forest Protection Service in Strnady
Fulín Martin, Ing. Ph.D.fulin@vulhm.cz257 892 262262Department of Forest Tree Species Biology and Breeding in Strnady
Knížek Miloš, Ing. Ph.D.knizek@vulhm.cz257 892 222341Department of Forest Protection Service in Strnady
Vejpustková Monika, Ing. Ph.D.vejpustkova@vulhm.cz257 892 206206Department of Forest ecology
Trčková Olga, Ing.trckova@vulhm.cz257 892 257257Department of Forest Tree Species Biology and Breeding in Strnady
Špulák Ondřej, Ing. Ph.D.spulak@vulhmop.cz494 668 391155Department of Silviculture in Opočno
Kotrla Pavel, Ing. Ph.D.kotrla@vulhmuh.cz572 420 917Department of Reproductive Sources in Kunovice
Tóth Pavel, Ing. Ph.D.toth@vulhm.czDepartment of Forest Protection Service in Strnady
Máchová Pavlína, Ing. Ph.D.machova@vulhm.cz257 892 268268Department of Forest Tree Species Biology and Breeding in Strnady
Fabiánek Petr, Ing.fabianek@vulhm.cz257 892 253253Department of Forest Ecology in Strnady
Novotný Radek, Ing. Ph.D.novotny@vulhm.cz602 291 763PelhřimovDepartment of Forest ecology
Ševčík Richard, 702 178 436Department of Game Management in Strnady
Čihák Tomáš, Ing. Ph.D.cihak@vulhm.cz257 892 252252Department of Forest ecology
Nárovec Václav, Ing. CSc.narovec@vulhmop.cz494 668 391132Department of Silviculture in Opočno
Fadrhonsová Věra, Ing.fadrhonsova@vulhm.cz257 892 233233Department of Forest Ecology in Strnady
Černohous Vladimír, Ing. Ph.D.cernohous@vulhmop.cz494 668 391142Department of Silviculture in Opočno
Ráček Zdeněk, Ing.racek@vulhmop.cz494 668 931140Department of Silviculture in Opočno
Vícha Zdeněk, Ing.vicha@vulhm.cz724 222 242Frýdek-MístekDepartment of Forest ecologyDepartment of Forest Ecology in Strnady
Kolaříková Irenasemkon@vulhmuh.cz572 420 920Department of Reproductive Sources in Kunovice
Fojtíková Janafojtikova@vulhm.cz257 892 294294Department of Forest Protection Service in Strnady
Kopecká JanaDepartment of Reproductive Sources in Kunovice
Coufalová Jarmilacoufalova@vulhmop.cz494 668 391146Department of Silviculture in Opočno
Krupka Jaroslav257 892 344344Department of Facility Management
Kratochvílová Jaroslavakratochvilova@vulhm.cz257 892 222210Department of Accouting Management
Balcar Jiříbalcarj@vulhmop.cz494 668 391149Department of Silviculture in Opočno
Richterová Jitkarichterova@vulhmop.cz494 668 391138Department of Silviculture in Opočno
Vítek Josef +420 607 027 476Department of Reproductive Sources in Kunovice
Vítová Kateřina, 257 892 263263Department of Forest Tree Species Biology and Breeding in Strnady
Šimerová Klárak.simerova@vulhm.cz257 892 236236Department of Forestry Information Service
Kučerová Lenka572 549 115Department of Reproductive Sources in Kunovice
Tesař Libor tesar@vulhm.cz257 892 249249Department of Facility Management
Lamačová Lucie257 892 258, 257 892 256258, 256Department of Forest Tree Species Biology and Breeding in Strnady
Chocholová Marcelachocholova@vulhm.cz257 892 292292Department of Forest Ecology in Strnady
Říhová Marierihova@vulhmop.cz494 668 391123Department of Silviculture in Opočno
Marie ŘíhováDepartment of Silviculture in Opočno
Šmejkalová Markétasmejkalova@vulhm.cz257 892 291291Department of Forest ecology
Dohnalová Martasemkon@vulhmuh.cz572 420 920, 922Department of Reproductive Sources in Kunovice
Kotek Matě 257 892 223223Office of the Director
Součková Jitka, Mgr.souckova@vulhmop.cz494 668 391131Department of Silviculture in Opočno
Havlíčková Kateřina, Mgr.havlickova@vulhm.cz257 892 222284Department of Testing Laboratories in Strnady
Neudertová Hellebrandová Kateřina, Mgr. Ph.D.hellebrandova@vulhm.cz257 892 206206Department of Forest Ecology in Strnady
Davídková Markéta, Mgr. 257 892 289289Department of Forest Protection Service in Strnady
Komárková Martina, Mgr. Ph.D.komarkova@vulhm.cz257 892 263263Department of Forest Tree Species Biology and Breeding in Strnady
Semerák Matěj, Mgr.semerak@vulhm.cz257 892 263263Department of Forest Tree Species Biology and Breeding in Strnady
Valentová Miroslavavalentova@vulhmop.cz494 668 391131Department of Forestry Information Service
Boušková Monikambouskova@vulhm.cz257 892 297297Department of Forest Protection Service in Strnady
Tričkovič Nikola, 257 892 291291Department of Forest ecology
Beneš Pavelbenes@vulhm.cz257 892 222249Department of Facility Management
Vosika PavelKožlíDepartment of Forest Ecology in Strnady
Fišer Petr, 257 892 252252Department of Forest ecology
Vít Petrvit@vulhm.cz257 892 222204Office of the Director
Mikulčíková 257 892 294294Department of Forest Protection Service in Strnady
Kopáč Renékopac@vulhm.cz257 892 224224Department of Forest Protection Service in Strnady
Vele Adam, RNDr. Ph.D.vele@vulhm.czDepartment of Forest Protection Service in Strnady
Matoušková Jana, RNDr. CSc.matouskova@vulhm.cz257 892 222275Department of Testing Laboratories in Strnady
Martincová Jarmila, RNDr.martincova@vulhmop.cz494 668 391152Department of Silviculture in Opočno
Doležal Petr, RNDr. 257 892 200200Department of Forest Protection Service in Strnady
Buriánek Václav, RNDr.burianek@vulhm.cz257 892 207207Department of Forest Tree Species Biology and Breeding in Strnady
Mandovcová Růž 257 892 263263Department of Forest Tree Species Biology and Breeding in Strnady
Panáčková Sylvasemkon@vulhmuh.cz572 420 920, 922Department of Reproductive Sources in Kunovice
Petr Tomášpetr@vulhmop.cz494 668 391158Department of Silviculture in Opočno
Gütlerová Věragutlerova@vulhmop.cz494 668 391134Department of Silviculture in Opočno
Tošovská Věratosovska@vulhmop.cz494 668 391119, 120Department of Silviculture in Opočno
Vašíček Vladimírvasicek@vulhmop.cz494 668 391117Department of Silviculture in Opočno
Kocourková Zdeňkakocourkova@vulhmop.cz494 668 391118Department of Silviculture in Opočno