Research projects


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NumberName / DescriptionYear
QK22020045A use of non-native woody species in Czech forestry2022 - 2024
TA04021671Afforestation of sites degraded by mining and reforestation of environmentally specific forest sites using the “new generation” saplings2014 - 2017
QI92A216Aluminum content in forest soils – the identification of hot spot, ameliorative methods on degraded sites, forest management practice for sustaining the productive and non-productive functions of for2009 - 2013
TQ03000234Ameliorative potential of pioneer tree species in restoration of calamitous clearings and degraded sites2024 - 2025
QJ1520299Applying Douglas fir in forest management of the Czech Republic2015 - 2018
QK1910292Approaches for supporting silver fir in managed forests in the Czech Republic2019 - 2023
SS06010209Assessing the potential for wider application of thermophilic oak species in the context of adapting forest management to ongoing climate change2023 - 2025
LD13008Biosafety of forest transgenic trees: improving the scientific basis for safe tree development and implementation of EU policy directives2013 - 2014
QK1920406Biotic aspects of pine forest dieback in areas affected by drought2019 - 2021
QK21020386Categorization and optimization of management of hydromelioration districts to increase the retention function of the forest2021 - 2023
TJ02000217Characterization of selected poplar species and their drought resistance using next generation sequencing2019 - 2021
CCA-CZ-LIFE Adapt Brdy — LIFE-2021-SAP-CLIMA Climate Change Adaptation of Forests In the Brdy Highland (Life Adapt Brdy)2023 - 2027
QK1920328Complex solution of forest restoration and silvicultural management in regions with fast large-scale forest decline2019 - 2021
QK22020008Comprehensive assessment of wood-producing and non-wood producing functions of pioneer tree species stands2022 - 2024
QH92062Conservation of stability and biodiversity of Norway spruce2009 - 2011
QJ1630301Creation of New Systems of Biotechnological Measures for the Agricultural Biodiversity, and Forest Trees Species Conservation and Spread2016 - 2018
QK22010189Deforestation of small catchment and impact on water regime2022 - 2025
TJ02000128Determination of the vertical mobility of heavy metals in forest soils as a basis for the optimization of tree species composition to reduce the risk of their transfer to edible mushrooms2019 - 2021
QK1920163Development and verification of spatial models of forest soil properties in the Czech Republic2019 - 2021
QK23020117Development of an application for automated registration of caught ungulates based on the individuality of the structure of the skin tissue of the external nose2023 - 2025
TH02030823Development of metodic-technical procedures, minimizing the impacts of forest management on the quality of groundwater as a result of the migration of excess reactive nitrogen and phosphorus2017 - 2020
O-21/2019 Development of sanitation technology for landings of infested wood by spruce bark beetle2019 - 2020
QH71290Development of transgenic tissue lines of spruce (Picea abies) showing high toxicity towards bark beatle (Scolytidae) species2007 - 2011
QJ1620415Differentiated silviculture methods for declining spruce stands in 4. and 5. forest vegetation zones2016 - 2018
SOD O-1/2019Differentiation of forest sites and management of pine, oak and beech stands to reduce unfavourable impacts of the environmental changes2019 - 2021
QH81246Dynamics of main nutrients in the spruce and beech stands in the CR – tree nutrition as a basic requirement of sustainable forest management2008 - 2012
O-50/2015Ecological boundaries and production effects of Norway spruce stands in lower altitudes – risk analysis and production possibilities of lowland ecotype cultivation2016 - 2018
O- 5/2008Effect of brushwood crashing on growth of spruce, beech and fir seedlings in conditions of the FD Ledeč2008 - 2011
02-6670Ensuring long-term monitoring of small forest catchments2019 - 2022
02/6670Ensuring long-term monitoring of small forest catchments2023 - 2026
COST LD13009Evaluation of forest tree species genetically conditioned traits in frame of expected environmental changes on the example of introduced species of genus Pinus2014 - 2016
01/6640-2009-2012Expert activity in founding and evaluating of biomass accumulation in forest ecosystems2009 - 2011
01/6630/2007-2011Expert and consultancy activities in forest nursery management, reforestation, regeneration and tending of forest stands2007 - 2008
26694/2008-16210/VZ-38Expert and consultancy activities in forest nursery management, reforestation, regeneration and tending of forest stands2008 - 2011
O-13/2013Expert and consultancy activities in the field of the quality control of the one-year-old containerized forest tree planting materials2013 - 2016
SOD O-31/2008Expert and consultation activity in the field of forest seed and nursery management, reforestation, and afforestation including the quality control of the reproduction material of forest tree species2008 - 2011
TH02030785Fertilizers for the forestry2017 - 2020
TH04030217Fertilizers with zeolite for forestry industry2019 - 2022
TO01000345Forest functions in the past, present and future – what can society expect from forests under climate change?2021 - 2024
QK1820091Forest Management in Areas Affected by Long Term Drought2018 - 2021
TH02030659Forest Management Procedures to Secure the Sustainable Balance of Nutrients, Carbon Sequestration and Organic Matter Preservation in Forest Soils of higher Altitudes.2017 - 2020
QI112A168Forest soil as the determining factor for the forest health, biodiversity and the base for forest production as well as for non-productive functions2011 - 2014
O-1/2017Forest soil condition and nutrient status of mountainous forest within the forest district Jablonec nad Nisou and Frýdlant v Čechách – development, current status and possibilities for improvement.2017 - 2018
Q/112A174Forestry and Agriculture aspects of water component control in a landscape2011 - 2014
Benefit 7 / Cíl 3 – LP č. 3630758Forschung der Möglichkeiten für die Minimizierung des Gehaltes von organischen Schadstoffen in den Wasserquellen im Erzgebirge1980 - 2009
QH92087Functional potential of chosen broad-leaved tree and the ways of their reintroduction to coniferous stands in the Jizerské hory Mts.2009 - 2011
QH82305Gene resources of oak species for reproduction of adaptable forest ecosystems1980 - 1999
QJ1530294Genetic characteristics of forest stands in genetic conservation unit by DNA analyses – a model procedure as the base for government decision-making in conservation and reproduction of genetic resour2015 - 2018
TJ01000385Genetic characterization of oak populations with limited possibilities for natural regeneration and effective reproduction of local genotypes through organogenesis method to support their maintenance in their natural communities2018 - 2019
QI92A247Genetic diverzity of elm relic populations in selected regions of the CR and their in vitro reproduction2009 - 2013
QH81334Geospatial model of potential risk assessment2008 - 2011
INTERREG BY-CZ 70Green infrastructure measure from multi-purpose use of waste from sewage disposal plant by way of cross-border cooperation2017 - 2019
LD 13007Growth response of spruce (Picea abies (L.) KARST.) to extreme climatic and pollution stress during the winter 1995/962013 - 2016
QK22020062Identification of surviving individuals of forest tree species in calamity areas, their rescue and research of their resistance2022 - 2024
3211100015Implementation of innovative forest regeneration procedures on large-scale clearings with regard to the support of biodiversity and increasing the functionality of forest ecosystems2022 - 2024
QI102A256Improvement of pre sowing treatments for dormant European beech seeds2010 - 2014
QJ1520037Increasing the adaptability of pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) silviculture in the conditions of the Czech Republic2015 - 2018
9-2016 Influence of environmental factors on the damage of Gemmamyces bud blight on the Norway spruce and suggestion of the practical management for restricting the spread of the disease.2016 - 2019
QK1810415Influence of forest stands species composition and structure on the microclimate and landscape hydrology2018 - 2022
QK1920433Influence of protective measures to populations bark beetles according on population density2019 - 2021
SP/2d4/112/08Isolated plant populations and their relationships with source populations in the European context: case studies of threathened and protected species Gentiana verna, Jurinea cyanoides2008 - 2010
LUC23110Joint effect of climate, atmospheric deposition, soil properties and tree nutrition on growth and forest health in the Czech Republic2023 - 2026
3201200001Management of habitats with black grouse occurence in Doupovské Mts. Area2021 - 2023
QJ1330240Methodological procedures of molecular genetic verification of forest species reproductive material origin in order to protect and reproduce forest tree species genetic resources in frame of measures for the agrobiodiversity conservation and development2013 - 2017
QJ1330240Methodological procedures of molecular-genetic verification of forest species reproductive material origin in order to protect and reproduce forest tree species genetic resources in frame of measures2013 - 2017
QJ1630441Methods for drought risk assessment in forest stands2016 - 2018
QK1810443Methods for minimization of damage caused by wind and snow in forests stands in connection with climate change2018 - 2022
QI112A201Methods for the assessment of forest soil loadings with risk subsatnces and identification of ecological risk from forest soil contamination2011 - 2014
TH04030524Model of conservation and development of habitat and population of Tetraonidae in the Králický Sněžník area2019 - 2022
CZ 0135Monitoring of chlorine in the forest ecosystem – its cycling and effect2009 - 2011
02-6680Monitoring of forest ecosystems in relation to the food chain2019 - 2020
GS-LCR-085Monitoring of nutrient contents in transplanted seedlings after using slowly-soluble fertilizers including seedling’s growth response over two years after planting2018 - 2020
QH92073Mountain forests – basic ecosystems influencing water balance, spates and dry periods in landscape2009 - 2011
5002National Focal Centre of International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests operating under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Poll2015 - 2017
5002National Focal Centre of International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests operating under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution2015 - 2017
LD14124Nutrient cycling in the central Central European mixed forests2014 - 2017
QJ1530298Optimising the use of ameliorative and stabilizing tree species in the forests2015 - 2018
TA04021467Optimization of fertilization and management systems of forest nursery soils2014 - 2017
TH04030346Optimization of fertilization and management systems of forest nursery soils – second stage2019 - 2022
QI102A085Optimization of silvicultural measures for increases of biodiversity in production forests2010 - 2014
QK21020307Optimization of silviculture procedures for adaptation of forest ecosystems to climate change2021 - 2023
TH02030253Optimization of the morphological quality of planting stock for reforestation2017 - 2019
COST OC08009Participation of the Czech Republic in evaluating European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) provenances with the aim to judge their utilization in forestry regarding expected climatic changes2008 - 2010
QI112A170Possibilities of purposely cultivation and usage of genetical valuable parts of Norway spruce populations with K – strartegy of growth designated for mountain localities2011 - 2014
QJ1520297Preservation and reproduction of Grey poplar (Populus ×canescens) valuable population2015 - 2018
SS01020076Preservation of genetic resources of Ore Mountains resistant Norway spruce variants in the context of implementing measures to mitigate drought effects and ongoing environmental changes2020 - 2024
QK23020126Prevention of origin of bark beetle calamities in forests in the period of changing climatic conditions2023 - 2025
TA02020335Production and use of one-year-old containerized seedlings of broadleaved forest tree species of 51 – 80-cm class2012 - 2015
QK1810258Proposal of alternative tree species composition for forest ecosystems with reduced ecological stability due to physiological dryness2018 - 2022
QK1810129Proposal of methodological procedures for implementation of the control system for declared origin of reproductive material by DNA analysis for selected important forest tree species used for artificial forest renewal in conditions of the Czech Republic2018 - 2022
O–15/2019Quality control of forests air liming 2019–20202019 - 2020
SS06010148Quantification of Carbon Storage in Forest Soils of the Czech Republic and Consequences of Forest Management2023 - 2026
SS01020260Research and protection of the genetic diversity of the valuable remaining populations of Norway spruce in relation to adaptation to increased climate extremity2020 - 2024
QK1920184Research and verification of the effectiveness of available technical and biological means and procedures for the prevention of African swine fever spread in the wild boar population in the Czech Republic2019 - 2021
TQ03000107Rich-structured mixed stands as a key form of forest management adaptation to ongoing climate change2024 - 2025
QH72075Rodens as an important factor influencing forest regeneration2009 - 2011
QH91072Role of tree species and silviculture measures in forest soil formation2009 - 2011
QI112A172Silvicultural approaches applied to use Douglas fir in mixed stands in the Czech Republic2011 - 2014
TA04021541Silvicultural measures for optimization of simultaneous performance of production and recreation forest services2014 - 2017
QJ1520291Silvicultural measures to support a resistance of forest stands to increased nitrogen load2015 - 2018
EHP-CZ02-OV-1-015-2014Silviculture measures to improve forest biodiversity in protected areas2015 - 2016
GS LČR 16/2016 Simulation of game impact and game management on the environment using new or above standard metodologies on the example of model areas2017 - 2019
1056282019Stabilization and development of black grouse (Tetrao tetrix) population in the Czech Republic based on the Norwegian knowledge2020 - 2020
QJ1230330Stabilization of forest ecosystems by balanced proportion of natural and artificial reforestation2012 - 2016
TA03020551Standardized growing substrates for containerized seedlings of forest tree species2013 - 2016
QH81136Study optimization of real efficiency of control measures against Ips typographus in various gradation phases2008 - 2012
S05010238Supporting residual populations of the field hare (Lepus europaeus) in different types of agricultural landscapes: from research to applied conservation2022 - 2024
QK21020371Sustainable management in small-owner forest estates2021 - 2023
TA04021532Sustainable production and nutrient management in pine and birch stands in lowlands2014 - 2017
QJ1220331Technology of production of bare-rooted broad-leaved saplings in forest nurseries and the use of this special planting stock in forest regeneration2012 - 2016
COST LD14116The Czech Republics participation in the implementation of essential measures aimed at verifying the adaptability of threatened forest tree species in connection with ongoing environmental changes i2014 - 2016
QK21010335The potential how to employ European larch in the Czech forests under GCC2021 - 2024
SS01010574The quantification of the effects of drought on forest tree species across climatic gradient of the Czech Republic2020 - 2023
QK1810126The reforestation and forest thinning of nurse and target tree species mixtures with the production and non-productive functions of the forest in the area of large-scale die of spruce stands2018 - 2022
QH82303The use of biotechnology methods for the preservation and reproduction of autochtonous populations of hurst ecotype of Norway spruces2008 - 2012
2B06187The use of genomics and genetic engineering for identification and development of plant genotypes suitable for environment bioremediation2006 - 2011
QJ1520300The utilization of vegetative variants of resistant Ore Mountains Norway spruce in forest regeneration in the Ore Mountains2015 - 2018
TH04030444Tools and measures to minimise damage to the roots of nursery plants after planting caused by wild boar2019 - 2022
QJ1530032Topical and Strategic Possibilities of the Forest Functions and Multifunctional Forestry Services Sustainable Providing to the Public from Socio-economic, Political and Legislative Viewpoints in the Czech Republic2015 - 2018
SS03010134Tree-ring database as a tool for description and prediction of responses of the main forest tree species to climate change2021 - 2024
EC 026076TREEBREEDEX: a working model network of tree improvement for competitive, multifunctional and sustainable European forestry2006 - 2011
QL24020351Update of Forest ecological classification system including determination of expected development of forest vegetation zones with an evaluation of influence of the meso and microclimate with regard to ongoing climate changes and their predictions2024 - 2026
QK23020020Use of DNA analyzes for the purpose of preserving the desired genetic diversity of recognized sources of qualified reproductive material and for genetic characterization of populations of less common autochthonous forest tree species2023 - 2025
QI92A248Utilization of silver fir genetic conservation units in a complex of measures aimed at this species gene resources preservation and reproduction in the Czech Republic forest management2009 - 2013
QJ1230334Verification of forest tree species important populations genetically conditioned variability, including genetic inventory of selected ecotypes, as basis for actualisation of connected legislative rul2012 - 2016
GS LČR 9/2008Verification of genetically conditioned characteristics of vegetatively propagated Norway spruce resistent variants in plantings established on the selected localities in Ore Mountains2009 - 2011
G0-23/2019 Verification of the number of game in the area affected by African swine fever and the surrounding area in cooperation with agricultural subjects and the Regional Veterinary Administration2019 - 2020