Description of project
The aim of the proposed project is to evaluate specially selected vegetative variants of resistant (tolerant against emissions) Ore Mountains population of Norway spruce for forest regeneration in forest management units in the Ore Mountains. These areas are administrated by other participants in the project, namely the Municipal Forests (MF) Chomutov, Forests of Town Jirkov, Forests Jáchymov and MF Klášterec (the last named organization will participate in the project as user of project results). The project will include other activities, including DNA analyses, which should contribute to returning (repatriation) of the original gene pool of resistant Ore Mountains Norway spruce to its natural habitat. As part of the planned activities, locations in the areas administrated by the above mentioned owners will be selected for establishment of four research plots (of size ca 0,5 ha each), with vegetatively reproduced variants (rooted cuttings) of Norway spruce resistant forms. On these research plots, Norway spruce planted variants will be periodically evaluated by assessing their qualitative and quantitative characteristics. Additionally, on the MF Chomutov area, an in-situ seed orchard (1 ha) will be established to produce seed of the resistant forms, which should be used in the future for forest regeneration on areas of other participants and users of the results. The reserve seed orchard of the same character and size will also be established on the area under the PEXÍDR Ltd. administration, while planting material for these objects will also be propagated and planted by this company. The establishment of hedge orchard (1 ha) for vegetative reproduction of Norway spruce resistant forms is also included among the planned activities of this project. A hedge orchard will also be established on the area under the PEXÍDR Ltd. administration. The capacity of this vegetatively produced material from this hedge orchard is calculated not only for fellow participants of the project and users of this project results, but also for other interested forestry entities in the Ore Mountains. It is planned to use certified clones of resistant Ore Mountain Norway spruce as the source of vegetative propagation material for planting rooted cuttings and graftings which is intended also to be tested by DNA analyses. These clones are concentrated in the already aging clone ex-situ collections having been established by the Department of Biology and Breeding of Forest Tree Species (Forestry and Game Management Research Institute /FGMRI/ Jíloviště – Strnady) over three periods (1970, 1972 and 1991) in the area of the former FGMRI Administration of Experimental Forest Objects, which is currently under the administration of Forest Jíloviště Ltd. For clones from the above mentioned certified sources of qualified reproductive material, their molecular-genetic characteristics will be investigated using DNA analysis in order to determine the genetic variability of these clones. The main output of the proposed project will be the establishment of processing guidelines for the use of vegetatively propagated reproductive material of Ore Mountains Norway spruce resistant forms in the forest management units of the Ore Mountains area, to be used by forest owners and managers. Results of the project will be provided to users based on contractual arrangements (Certified Methodology – Nmet, Functional Sample – Gfunk) and through the publication of results in special reviewed periodicals (Results Category Jsc), in accordance with the project plan.