
Name of project:Green infrastructure measure from multi-purpose use of waste from sewage disposal plant by way of cross-border cooperation
Year:2017 - 2019
Provider:International projects
Coordinator: Ing. Radek Novotný, Ph.D.
Researcher: Ing. Radek Novotný, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Čihák, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Vít Šrámek, Ph.D.
Researcher foreign:IKomStiftland, öffentlicher Zweckverband
Co-researcher foreign:Technologiezentrum Energie Ruhstorf, CHEVAK Cheb, a. s., VÚLHM a další

Description of project

The aim of the project is to evaluate various way how to use waste from sewage disposal plants and to suggest procedures for its multi-purpose use within the target region.