
Name of project:The potential how to employ European larch in the Czech forests under GCC
Year:2021 - 2024
Coordinator: Ing. et Ing. Pavel Bednář, Ph.D.
Researcher: Ing. et Ing. Pavel Bednář, Ph.D., Ing. Jan Leugner, Ph.D., Ing. Jana Hacurová, Ing. David Dušek, Ph.D., Ing. Jakub Černý, Ph.D., Ing. Jiří Souček, Ph.D., Mgr. Tomáš Fér, Ph.D., Ing. Jan Světlík, Ph.D., Ing. Radek Kajfosz
Co-researcher foreign:Charles University, Mendel University in Brno, The Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Description of project

The project deals with: I. production potential of European  larch in admixture and its increment; II. ecological demands and ways how to use natural regeneration of European larch in a wide range of light conditions (from a clear cuts con. to con. beneath a shelter); III. microclimatic function of European larch as a pioneer species with respect to a growth of climax tree species (growing beneath a shelter of European larch young plantations); IV. paleo-botanical research of the postglacial development of the forest species compositions with a focus on the detection of presence of European larch in the Czech Republic; V. analysis of the oldest historical notes about European larch in historical literary sources; VI. molecular analysis of the origin of European larch populations in the Czech Republic; VII. interaction of European larch with valuable plant species and communities.