Description of project
On the base of analysing and modelling data from complex forest soil surveys the project aims: i) to elaborate up-to-date inventory of carbon in forest soils for the soil organic layer (FH), upper mineral layer (0-30 cm) and deeper mineral layers (30-80/100cm); ii) to update maps of carbon stock in forest soils of the Czech Republic; iii) to define effect of different forest management options on soil carbon stock and to draw up practical guidelines to support selected mitigation measures. Project is divided into five working packages: WP1) Completing of Aggregated database of forest soil properties; WP2) Quantification of belowground (root) biomass for individual tree species using appropriate allometric equations; WP3) Supplement soil sampling and for comparative analyses; WP4) Assessment of forest management procedures influence on carbon sequestration; WP5) Model construction and testing, mapping of the soil carbon stock.