Excursion + Phenological assessment
Thursday 7. 4. 2022, 8:30 – 18:00
During excursion we will visit level II plot 2103 Všeteč in the southern Bohemia (49.2302944 N, 14.2990817 E). We will walk through old grown European beech forest, inspect the deposition samplers including the new stemflow measuring device, discuss the use of different types of dendrometers and present also other types of measurement on the plot (soil humidity, soil water potential, PAR etc.). The phenological assessment of leaf unfolding will be prepared for EP Meteo/Pheno/LAI members and interested colleagues. In good weather there will be a possibility to visit lookout tower close to the plot.
We plan to spend around 2 hours in the forest, so take appropriate clothing and shoes.
After the “expert part” we move for lunch and in the afternoon we plan to visit the castle Ohrada with the Museum of Forestry, Hunting and Fishing (https://www.nzm.cz/en/news/ohrada-castle-the-museum-of-forestry-hunting-and-fishing).
Return to Prague is planned for ca. 18 PM