LIFE Adapt Brdy
The main goal of the LIFE Adapt Brdy project is the adaptation of forest stands to climate change in the territory of the Brdy Highlands (the territory of the former military area), increasing their ability to withstand biotic and abiotic factors. It is also important to replicate the good practice of close-to-nature management in other locations in Central Europe. The project is closely related to the EU Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change and the EU Forest Strategy to 2030. More about the project here:
Implementation of innovative forest restoration procedures on calamitous clearings with regard to the support of biodiversity and increasing the functionality of forest ecosystems
The goal of the project is the restoration of the forest environment on large-scale calamity clearings using alternative procedures that will lead to higher biodiversity and an improvement in the state of forest ecosystems. The result of the implementation will serve as an example of good practice for other owners of forests affected by bark beetle calamity. The project is implemented on the forest property of the Přibyslav Municipal Forest Cooperative (LDO), which is located in the area of the Czech-Moravian Highlands (Vysočina Region) affected by the large-scale decay of spruce stands due to the gradation of bark beetles in recent years. More about the project at
Management of black grouse habitats in the area of Doupovské hory
The aim of the project is to support and stabilize the remaining black grouse population in the area of interest. The support will be implemented through the mosaic-like opening of overgrown biotopes and the addition of stands of suitable trees (European mountain ash). This management measure will create open areas suitable for black grouse flow and nesting. At the same time, the removal of successional vegetation will limit habitats suitable for nest predators and black grouse adults. The partners of the project are Vojenské lesy a statky, s.p. (Military Forests and Farms), and the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA). More about the project at
Management tetřívka obecného (Stabilization and development of black grouse (Tetrao tetrix) population in the Czech Republic based on the Norwegian knowledge)
Based on the dramatic decline in the black grouse population in the Czech Republic and a similar trend found in Scandinavia, FGMRI (VÚLHM, v. v. i.) employees established cooperation with the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA). The collaboration was launched within the first call of the Bilateral Fund of Norwegian Grants, in the sub-program “Trolltunga”. More about the project here.
Cíl EÚS Česká republika – Svobodný stát Bavorsko 2014-2020
Project No. 070 “Green infrastructure measures from the multi-purpose use of sewage sludge (green IKK) through cross-border interregional cooperation” (04/2017-03/2020). Opatření green infrastructure z víceúčelového využití odpadních kalů (green IKK) prostřednictvím přeshraniční spolupráce.
The goal of the project is to evaluate the possibilities of using sludge from wastewater treatment plants and to propose procedures for its multi-purpose use in the target region.
Lead partner: IKomStiftland, öffentlicher Zweckverband
Partneři projektu: Technologiezentrum Energie Ruhstorf, CHEVAK Cheb, a. s., VÚLHM
The COST program is one of the forms of European cooperation in scientific and technical research (The European Co-operation in Scientific and Technical Research). COST ensures the coordination of research in the form of so-called coordinated European actions – ACTION. Program COST presents one of the unique European and global coordination mechanisms that have no equivalent elsewhere than in Europe. Program COST was established by the decision of the conference of ministers responsible for research and development of some European countries in 1971 in Vienna. The Czech and Slovak Federal Republic became a member in 1991 and the Czech Republic in 1993. Members of the COST program are individual states, not separate institutions.
FGMRI (VÚLHM) projects within the COST CZ (LD) Program / Domain – Forests, their Products and Services (FPS):
ACTION FP1106: STReESS – Studying Tree Responses to extreme Events and Synthesis
Growth response of spruce (Picea abies (L.) KARST.) to extreme atmospheric-climatic stress during the winter of 1995/96 /Růstová reakce smrku (Picea abies (L.) KARST.) na extrémní imisně-klimatický stres v průběhu zimy 1995/96/ (solution period: 2013–2016)
Evaluation of the genetically determined characteristics of forest trees in the context of expected environmental changes using the example of the introduced species Pinus contorta / Hodnocení geneticky podmíněných charakteristik lesních dřevin v rámci předpokládaných změn prostředí na příkladu introdukovaného druhu Pinus contorta/ (solution period: 2013–2016)
ACTION FP1202: MaP-FGR – Strengthening conservation: a key issue for adaptation of marginal/peripheral populations of forest tree to climate change in Europe
Study of the genetic diversity of Scots pine populations including marginal ecotypes in the Czech Republic using DNA analyzes (solution period: 2012–2016)
Participation of the Czech Republic in the implementation of fundamental measures aimed at verifying the adaptability of endangered species of forest trees in connection with ongoing environmental changes in Europe using testing of selected species of the genus Abies in different habitat conditions (solution period: 2014–2016)
Study of the genetic diversity of Scots pine populations including marginal ecotypes in the Czech Republic using DNA analyses (solution period: 2012–2016)
ACTION FP1206: EuMIXFOR – European mixed forests. Integrating Scientific Knowledge in Sustainable Forest Management
Project: Nutrient cycling in mixed forests (solution period: 2013–2017)
International cooperation of the Research Opočno is focused on using and expanding current contacts with similar workplaces abroad (research institutions, universities). Attention is also paid to cooperation with owners (or business entities) of forests abroad. Long-term international cooperation is mainly implemented in the following ways:
- Annual conference of Forestry workplaces (TU Zvolen, NLC Zvolen, University of Zagreb, ČZU, MENDELU).
- Annual Conference of the Production Section – Association of German Forestry Institutes (Deutscher verband forstlicher forschungsanstalten – sektion ertragskunde, details at Representatives of universities, research institutes and forest owners from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
- International cooperation in the issue of securing renewable resources – biomass (cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF (Magdeburg) on the project Biomass Logistics – Saxony-Anhalt Interregional (details at
- International cooperation within the membership of the IUFRO working group (Working Party 1.01.08 – Ecology and Silviculture of Spruces, details at:
EHP FUNDS 2009–2014
The main objective of the program is to stop the loss of biodiversity, through activities aimed at increasing the capacity for effective management and monitoring of Natura 2000 sites, increasing awareness and education in the field of biodiversity and ecosystem services, improving the integration of biodiversity into sectoral policies and legislation and defending against ecosystem fragmentation.
Project: Cultivation measures to increase biodiversity in forests in protected areas / Pěstební opatření pro zvýšení biodiverzity v lesích v chráněných územích/ (solution period: 2015–2016)