IUFRO – International Union of Forest Research Organization
IUFRO is an international non-governmental organization connecting together research subjects in the field of forestry aimed at strengthening international cooperation in forestry research with the aim of improving the understanding of the ecological, economic and social aspects of forests and forest management (www.iufro.org).
EFI – European Forest Institute
The European Forestry Institute is an independent organization, founded by 23 European countries, oriented on forestry research in Europe (www.efi.int).
ICP Forests – International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests
The ICP Forests program is the most important forest health monitoring system in Europe. It was established in 1986 as part of the UNECE CLRTAP convention. The program was originally focused on immission issues. Currently, it monitors the development of the health status of forests in a 16×16 km network and comprehensively focuses on the factors that influence the health status within the areas of intensive monitoring of forest ecosystems (www.icp-forests.net).
EUFORGEN – European Forest Genetic Resources Programme
A long-term international program established in 1994 to implement the conclusions of the first ministerial conference dedicated to the protection of European forests (MCPFE 1990). The thematic focus of the EUFORGEN program is mainly related to the implementation of measures aimed at preserving forest genetic resources and restoring the biodiversity of forest ecosystems in Europe (www.euforgen.org).
DVFFA – Deutscher verband forstlicher forschungsanstalten – sektion ertragskunde /German Association of Forest Research Institutes – section yield science/ (http://sektionertragskunde.fvabw.de/)
Annual conferences are organized within the Production Section of the Association of German Forestry Institutes, where the latest findings from the issue of forest production and related fields are presented. The meetings are attended by representatives of universities, research institutes and forest owners from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
European Danube-Vltava region
The Danube – Vltava European Region is a trilateral working community of seven partner regions – Upper Austria, Lower Austria’s Mostviertel and Waldviertel, Lower Bavaria with Altötting, Upper Palatinate, Pilsen Region, South Bohemia Region and the Highland Region. These regions, located in the triangle of three countries – the Czech Republic, Germany and Austria, work on joint projects, for example in the fields of economy, tourism, culture, social sphere or science and education.
Wiener Coleopterologenverein (WCV) (Vienna Coleopterists Society)
A traditional international scientific coleopterological society based in Vienna (Regular Membership of M. Knížek).