Session 2: Ecology of Forest Stands after Bark Beetle Infestation
The current drought and storm induced bark beetle calamity has gained the character of a large-scale disturbance with a major impact on forest ecosystems and their environment. Tree dieback causes immediate changes in microclimate of forest stands and influences the dynamics and composition of forest biocenosis and thus of the mor/moder humus layer and soil organic matter in general. Depending on the management of declining stands and methods of reforestation, the carbon cycling and soil nutrient pools may be altered significantly. The risk of soil erosion and deterioration of surface water chemistry is increasing.
Session 2 is expected to tackle following important questions:
- What will be the impact of calamity processing on nutrient cycling?
- How will biodiversity and resulting carbon sequestration be influenced?
- Are changes in the water regime of forest ecosystems to be expected?