Description of article
Korelační závislost parametrů ptačích vajec na příkladu snášek kachny divoké a bažanta obecného.[Correlation of bird egg parameters exemplified by clutches of mallard and ring-necked pheasant] 134 - 142.
Name of article: | Korelační závislost parametrů ptačích vajec na příkladu snášek kachny divoké a bažanta obecného |
Number: | 2 |
Year: | 2008 |
Author: | Václav Tlapák |
This article presents determination of oomorphological parameters necessary for better understanding of developmental regularities of the microevolutionary process in natural populations of birds. Except the introductory review of literature a photographic method, used by the author, is described for measuring and reporting of measured data and their complex application. Eggs of mallard and ring-necked pheasant were investigated and values gained investigated. Further research related to computer processing is recommended.