Description of article
Prebudova rúbaňového lesa na výberkový les – 40-ročná časová štúdia[Conversion of age-class to selection forest – a 40-year time study] 249-256
Name of article: | Prebudova rúbaňového lesa na výberkový les – 40-ročná časová štúdia |
Number: | 4 |
Year: | 2021 |
Author: | Milan Saniga, Jaroslav Vencurik, Stanislav Kucbel, Peter Jaloviar |
The study presents the changes of structure in three Norway spruce-dominated forest stands with different soil type and aspect in demonstration object Pro Silva Donovaly-Mistriky (the Low Tatra Mts., Slovakia). In surveyed stands, the conversion to single-tree selection system using the current generation is being applied for the period of 40 years. Based on the data from the full calipering in 1979 and the stand inventory (stems and natural regeneration) in 1999, 2013 and 2021 on the series of permanent research plots (0.25 ha) in investigated stands, a relatively rapid advancement in the conversion process was observed. An appropriate model of selection forest is characterized by the optimal stand volume 320 m3 ha-1 and target dbh 66 cm in protection forests on ranker soil and by stand volume 385 m3 ha-1 and target dbh 66 cm in stand with dominant production function. Under the ongoing climate change, the high proportion of Norway spruce in the stands on nutrient-poor soils and the southern aspect could lead to their fast disintegration and gradual loss of differentiated structure.