In a time of constant change, a company with high-quality, talented employees not only has an advantage in the competitive environment but it is also a more attractive employer for the employees themselves. This article therefore focuses on the approach of forestry companies to working with employee development, specifically in the areas of education and talent management. The objective is based on analysis of primary survey conducted on 101 forestry companies to reveal construct of approaches to talent management and possibilities of further employee development in studied companies. The data was obtained through manager surveys, for which a single manager represented the given companies. One-dimensional and multi-dimensional statistics were used to evaluate the data. The results indicate that in half of the cases the companies examined are familiar with principles of talent management (62%), and that they form part of the mission of the companies (48%); of course, actual work with talent is performed by only 27% of the companies, and only 20% companies have specific plans. A deeper analysis further examines the differences in approach of the companies included in the study.
Description of article
Talent management v lesních podnicích. [Talent management in forestry companies] 66 - 73.