Seminar on the red yew II
On September 21-22, 2023, there have been held in Horní Světlá, Lužické hory Mts., professional seminar
which was organized by:
Czech Association of Nature Protectors, ZO 32/10 MELES
Forestry and Game Management Research Institute (FGMRI)
Bumblebee (Čmelák) – Society of Friends of Nature
AOPK CR – RP Liberecko, Administration of the Lužické hory Mts.
with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic
The aim of this meeting dedicated in this year to the management of the specially protected red yew was primarily strengthening of the emerging platform facilitating mutual cooperation, exchange of contacts, current information and empirical experience between specialists of various organizations professionally or voluntarily dealing with domestic populations of this highly endangered forest tree species. One of the proofs of the success of these efforts was the organization of this seminar, itself.
Part of the given presentations given and the proceedings for download:
- Activities of the association Bumblebee (Čmelák) aimed to preservation of the red yew in the North Bohemia /Aktivity spolku Čmelák zaměřené na zachování tisu červeného v severních Čechách/. (Jiří Antl, DiS. – Society of Friends of Nature)
- Status and management of the red yew in the Nature Reserve „V Horách“ /Stav a management tisu červeného v Přírodní rezervaci V Horách/ (Ing. Michal Bledý, Colloredo-Mansfeld, Ltd.)
- Nutrition status of the red yew in the Lužické hory Mts. /Stav výživy tisu červeného v Lužických horách (Ing. Tomáš Čihák, Ph.D.; Ing. Petr Novotný, Ph.D. – FGMRI /VÚLHM, v. v. i./)
- Red yew in the Beskydy Protected Area and surroundings /Tis červený v CHKO Beskydy a okolí/ (Mgr. Tomáš Myslikovjan, AOPK CR – RP SCHKO Beskydy; Ing. Milan Jurásek, emeritus regional geneticist LČR, s.p.)
- Relationship and variability of partial occurrences of the red yew in the Podyjí area /Příbuznost a variabilita dílčích výskytů tisu červeného v oblasti Podyjí/ (Ing. Petr Novotný, Ph.D.1, Mgr. Martina Komárková, Ph.D.1, Ing. Jaroslav Ponikelský2, Ing. Bc. Jaroslav Dostál1, Ing. Helena Cvrčková, Ph.D.1, Ing. Pavlína Máchová, Ph.D. – 1VFGMRI /VÚLHM, v. v. i./, 2Administration of National Park Podyjí /Správa NP Podyjí)
- The current status of the red yew population in middle region of the Vltava river, focusing on the surroundings of Štěchovice /Aktuální stav populace tisu červeného ve Středním Povltaví se zaměřením na okolí Štěchovic/ (Ing. Jaroslav Pipek, AOPK ČR – RP Middle Bohemia /Střední Čechy/)
- The seminar proceedings /Sborník semináře/
More information: Ing. Petr Novotný, Ph.D., e-mail: