Description of article
Analýza druhového spektra hub v arboretu Kostelec nad Černými lesy.[An analysis of fungi species in the arboretum Kostelec nad Černými lesy] 1 - 7.
Name of article: | Analýza druhového spektra hub v arboretu Kostelec nad Černými lesy |
Number: | Special |
Year: | 2007 |
Author: | Zdeněk Přikryl, Dana Čížková |
A mycological survey was conducted at the arboretum Kostelec nad Černými lesy in 2004-2006. Observations were predominantly focused on macromycetes, from micromycetes only pathogens of woody plants were collected and identified. 157 species of fungi were found on the area of the arboretum including some rare or sparsely occurring species: Amanita rubescens var. annulosulphurea, Boletus rubellus, Boletus subtomentosus, Exidia truncata, Hygrocybe mucronella, Macrolepiota excoriata, Russula delica, R. galochroa, R. gracillima, R. integra and Suillus placidus.