Description of article
Analýza výkonových noriem a spotreby času lesných kolesových traktorov na území Slovenskej republiky[Analysis of performance standards and time consumption of forest skidders in the Slovak Republic] 36-48
Name of article: | Analýza výkonových noriem a spotreby času lesných kolesových traktorov na území Slovenskej republiky |
Number: | 1 |
Year: | 2021 |
Author: | Lukáš Orlovský, Valéria Messingerová |
The effectivity of timber skidding process evaluated through the time consumption is mostly affected by the technology, ergonomic demands and environmental factors connected with the technology used. There is still an inadequate research effort aimed to time consumption and work effectivity of forest skidders in Slovakia, which is one of the causes of insufficient payments for their work. The paper compares time consumptions for particular work operations of the forest skidders calculated from the data from field measurements compared with standardized forest skidders time consumptions published in the Collection of performance standards (MLVH 1992) of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Slovak Republic. Measuring the time consumption of skidders was carried out using the methods of continual time study, i.e. by connecting the work day snapshot with the fluent chronometry. The results confirmed statistically significant differences in time consumption for particular work operations such as winching and work on the forest landing between cable and cable-grapple skidder. Generalized linear models confirmed that particular work operations (winching, skidding and works on the forest landing) in both technologies are affected by the same production factors. We found significant differences of the basic standardized times for the particular work operations (Calculated standardized times on based measured time versus actual standards of the Slovak Ministry) only in the case of the HSM 805 HD skidder.