Description of article
Hodnocení morfologických parametrů horských populací smrku ztepilého s různou růstovou strategií.[Assessment of morphological parameters of Norway spruce mountain populations with different growth strategy] 195 - 201.
Name of article: | Hodnocení morfologických parametrů horských populací smrku ztepilého s různou růstovou strategií |
Number: | 3 |
Year: | 2012 |
Author: | Jan Leugner, Antonín Jurásek |
In the context of previous research, it was found that Norway spruce trees with slower growth in juvenile stage (in nursery) show high adaptability after out-planting to extreme mountain conditions. This part of population may form a stable skeleton of regenerated stands with climax strategy. Currently, there are some problems related to premature rejection of seedlings (because of its small size), when only trees with more intensive growth were used in forest restoration. Evaluation of complex morphological parameters should be used for the selection of the trees in young spruce stands with preconditions for creation of stable skeleton with high resistance to extreme mountain conditions. The aim of this paper is evaluation of morphological parameters in terms of the whole growth spectrum of spruce population. The evaluation was carried out considering adaptation to ecological conditions of mountain sites. Evaluation of morphological parameters can be used in the selection of auspicious trees in thinning.