Description of article
Příspěvek k poznání teplotních souvislostí prosadeb jehličnatých porostů náhradních dřevin.[Contribution to study of temperature relationships of interplantings in coniferous substitute tree forest stands] 59 - 66.
Name of article: | Příspěvek k poznání teplotních souvislostí prosadeb jehličnatých porostů náhradních dřevin |
Number: | Special |
Year: | 2009 |
Author: | Ondřej Špulák |
This article deals with local temperature course differences in the young forest stands of coniferous substitute tree species (small pole stage of Picea pungens, Pinus mungo) in mountain locations of northern Bohemian mountains. The aim of the research is to assess optimal positions for target species interplantings. Temperature microclimate was studied in different positions of small stand gap, on the blue spruce crown perimeter and in a height gradient. Positions of small stand gap (size less than one stand height) in small pole stage of blue spruce slightly differ in a temperature course, locations near crowns have little more balanced temperatures; crown side facing to south experiences highest temperature amplitude extending to minimal and maximal values; near-ground air layers are exposed to stronger temperature twists. From the temperature course point of view we can confirm methods of interplanting which are recommended in higher mountain locations by current methodologies: planting of sensitive tree species near crown perimeter of coniferous substitute tree species, preferring of northern side of crowns and stronger (higher) transplants. Preference of elevated locations for planting should be recommended as well.