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Příspěvek k problematice biologické meliorace lesních stanovišť lupinou žlutou[Contribution to the issue of biological soil improvement of forest habitats by yellow lupine] 51-59
Name of article: | Příspěvek k problematice biologické meliorace lesních stanovišť lupinou žlutou |
Number: | 1 |
Year: | 2022 |
Author: | Ondřej Špulák |
Restoration of large scale (calamitous) clearings and landscape reclamation are accompanied by problems associated with the extremity of an open habitats, such as increased nutrient leaching, unfavourable microclimate and development of unwanted weeds. One of the means how to modify soil properties is a targeted use of phytomelioration species, which could also help to moderate temperature extremes of the site and to limit the development of weeds. Annual yellow lupine is an herb recommended as a green-manuring crop in forest nurseries. The aim of the paper is to evaluate potential of using yellow lupine as soil improving and sheltering crop in restoration of large clearings and in sand mine reclamations. The research was carried out on two calamitous clearings, in a reclaimed sand mine, and as a control variant also in forest nursery in 2019–2020. Row, broadcast and individual sowings of yellow lupine to woody plants were tested in various combinations. The results showed very limited potential of the lupine application on calamitous clearings but also in areas of sand mine reclamation, due to its limited growth, low competitiveness and especially high share of game damage. Benefit of yellow lupine use as a green-manuring crop in forest nurseries was supported.