Description of article
Studium genetické variability u zástupců rodu Aesculus L. pomocí SSR markerů.[The study of genetic variability in the genus Aesculus L. by SSR markers] 244 - 249.
Name of article: | Studium genetické variability u zástupců rodu Aesculus L. pomocí SSR markerů |
Number: | 3 |
Year: | 2013 |
Author: | Tomáš Vyhnánek, Václav Bačovský, Helena Vlašínová, Ladislav Havel, Jana Šedivá, Josef Mertelík |
Genetic variability was studied in two species of the genus Aesculus L.: A. turbinata and A. hippocastanum; ten clones of explant cultures of A. hippocastanum L. derived by organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis from donor resistant and susceptible to horse chestnut leaf-miner (Cameraria ohridella) were compared using microsatellite (SSR) markers. A total of 28 alleles were detected at the 8 SSR loci. The number of alleles generated by each marker ranged from 1 to 5 with an average of 3.5 alleles per locus. Statistical indicators were calculated for each SSR marker. We found low level of genetic variability. The value of polymorphic information content ranged from 0.00 to 0.74 (average 0.43). Conformity of donor plant resistant to C. ohridella and its in vitro horse chestnut clones (cultivar ‘Mertelík’) was demonstrated. No changes caused by in vitro cultivation were observed on molecular level. On the contrary, explant cultures of the susceptible genotype of A. hippocastanum did not report an assumed donor plant. This susceptible genotype was significantly different from the other A. hippocastanum genotypes. Despite a small sample analysis the possibility of using SSR markers for identification of donor plants and derived explant cultures was demonstrated.