Description of article
Vliv buku na vlastnosti nadložního humusu a svrchní půdy smrkového porostu na stanovišti kyselé smrkové bučiny.[Influence of beech on forest-floor humus and topsoil below spruce on the acidic spruce-beech site] 253 - 261.
Name of article: | Vliv buku na vlastnosti nadložního humusu a svrchní půdy smrkového porostu na stanovišti kyselé smrkové bučiny |
Number: | 4 |
Year: | 2017 |
Author: | Ondřej Špulák, Dušan Kacálek |
Properties of forest floor humus are attributable to both mineral soil properties and vegetation covering the soil. Some tree species proved their ability to produce litter-fall rich in nutrients. This is particularly important on mountain naturally acidic sites that experienced air-pollution load in 1980s. Our study was conducted on such a site in the Jizera Mts., Czech Republic. There were sampled both forest floor and soil under European beech canopy (transect point B00), 10 m from beech crown’s margin (B10) and under spruce canopy situated 20 m from beeches (B20). Forest floor samples were taken using a metal frame 25 cm × 25 cm in order to quantify particular layers. Results showed a forest floor-improving effects of beech group on adjacent spruce stand (B10) such as increased pH, higher K, Ca, Mg and higher base saturation (V) compared to B20 with minimal influence of beech. This trend was not directly reflected in mineral topsoil (Ah) though some differences were also found there. Lower N, P and higher Mg were in B00 and B10. Therefore beech share is likely to influence P pool negatively in mountain forest soil. For more information see Summary at the end of the article.