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Vliv věku a úpravy zakmenění listnatých přípravných porostů na prosperitu podsadeb buku lesního[Impacts of age and different stocking of preparatory deciduous stands on the performance of underplanted Fagus sylvatica] 1-10
Name of article: | Vliv věku a úpravy zakmenění listnatých přípravných porostů na prosperitu podsadeb buku lesního |
Number: | 1 |
Year: | 2021 |
Author: | Robert Polách, Ondřej Špulák |
Climatic extremes and following rapid die-off of forests raised an issue of two-phase regeneration introducing target species under the shelter of preparatory stands. The objective of this study was the verification of impacts of age and stocking of birch stand, and also stocking of 15-year-old rowan and alder stands on the underplanted beech performance as compared with performance of beech planted in clearings. Consequently, the recommendations related to the impacts of preparatory stands on underplanted beech were formulated. There were 17 experimental plots with preparatory tree species of the minimal plot size of 0.04 hectares, and a single small clearing of 0.1 ha used. In 2013, we established treatments with either full (10+ or 10), or reduced (7 and 5) stocking of the preparatory stands. The birch stands were assorted into the age categories of 7, 15, and 30 years of age. Beeches were planted in spring 2013. The beech mortality was assessed in 2015 and 2017. The measurement of growth and selected morphological parameters took place in autumn 2017. The beech mortality was very low in all treatments (below 7 %). The best growing beeches were found in the small clearing. However, all tested preparatory stands’ treatments proved to be usable for the beech stand establishment and the consequent growing. The birch and rowan stockings had a negative impact on the beech growth, whereas an opposite trend was observed in the alder. In the case of preparatory birch, the age of 15 years with the stocking reduction to at least 7 seemed to be the most suitable measure for beech underplatings establishment.