Description of article
Stanovenie dendromasy mladých jaseňov zožratej jeleňou zverou pomocou alometrických modelov.[Estimates of young ash tree dendromass eaten by red deer using allometric models] 283 - 294.
Name of article: | Stanovenie dendromasy mladých jaseňov zožratej jeleňou zverou pomocou alometrických modelov |
Number: | 3 |
Year: | 2012 |
Author: | Bohdan Konôpka, Jozef Pajtík, Peter Kaštier, Vladimír Šebeň |
The paper deals with damage in young ash stands caused by red deer game in the Poľana and Javorie Mountains (Central Slovakia). The damage is usually manifested as branch browsing and bark stripping. We established ten research plots with at least 30 ash individuals on each to measure tree height, diameter (on ground level) as well as damage by red deer. Eighty ash trees of different sizes (specifically, heights between 19 and 424 cm) were sampled. The particular tree compartments, i.e. stem without bark, stem bark, branches and foliages were separated, dried, and their weights were recorded. We constructed allometric models for dry masses of the tree compartments by means of diameter as independent variable. Moreover, we made up allometric models for branch mass (alternatively branch with and without foliages) using a diameter on its base as an independent variable. Extra model was constructed for bark dry mass considering tree size and bark stripping area. We calculated total dendromass per hectare browsed or stripped by red deer in the plots. Then, we estimated mass of bark (stem surface from the ground level to the height of 180 cm) and branches (diameter up to 1 cm) with foliages which might be available for red deer consumption, i.e. theoretical food potential. Finally, we calculated percentage of dendromass really eaten by red deer on the plots expressed to the total food potential. The results obtained from the young ash stands showed that branch browsing is much more important food source for red deer than bark stripping. Maximum branch and foliage dendromass eaten in the ash plots by red deer was 2141 kg per hectare. At the same time, maximum percentage of branches and foliages consumed by red deer on a potential food base was as much as 86%. While ash trees with diameter up to 20 mm were damaged exclusively by branch browsing, trees with diameter over 45 mm were subjected prevailingly to bark stripping. The paper shows content of nutrients and elements in ash foliage and branch mass. Moreover, total quantities of nutrients and elements per hectare were calculated for the research plots.