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Book of Abstracts

FORESTS´ FUTURE: Consequences of Bark Beetle Calamity for the Future of Forestry in Central Europe
Scientific Workshop, Jihlava, Czech Republic, March 31st – April 2nd 2020

Central European forests face an unprecedented bark beetle infestation, which may change the future of our forests and forestry as well as that of the whole forest-based sector. While the public is highly worried being confronted with the expanding area of declining forests and clear-cuts, forest owners, foresters and state administration are overwhelmed by activities focused on tackling the current situation in the fields of forest protection, economy as well as timely and feasible reforestation. The situation is developing quickly, and vital decisions are taken in short time. The workshop FORESTS´ FUTURE organized by a consortium of Forest Research Institutes is intended to share ideas not only about the current bark beetle situation, but even more importantly about related environmental risks and subsequent management of deforested areas.

Registration  ♠  Abstract submission  ♠  Programme, deadlines, fees   ♠  Venue and accommodation  ♠  Transport

Workshop is organized in 5 Sessions
Session 1: Current State and Close Future of Bark Beetle Infestation in Central Europe
Session 2:  Ecology of Forest Stands after Bark Beetle Infestation
Session 3: Reproductive Material
Session 4: Silviculture
Session 5: Development in Economy of Forest Management

The Scientific Committee
Henning Andreae (SBS Sachsen), Matjaž Čater (GOZDIS Slovenia), Dirk-Roger Eisenhauer (SBS Sachsen), Wojciech Grodzki (IBL Poland), Gernot Hoch (BFW Austria), Jiří Novák (FGMRI Czechia), Miloš Knížek (FGMRI Czechia), Václav Kupčák (MENDELU), Pavel Pavlenda (NLC Slovakia), Josef Vakula (NLC Slovakia), Dagmar Bednárová (NLC Slovakia), Monika Vejpustková (FGMRI Czechia), Heino Wolf (SBS Sachsen), Tadeusz Zachara (IBL Poland), Lothar Zimmermann (LWF Bayern)

– Forestry and Game Management Research Institute, Czech Republic
BFW – Austrian Research Centre for Forests, Austria
GOZDIS – Slovenian Forestry Institute
IBL – Forest Research Institute, Poland
LWF – Bayerische Landesanstalt für Wald und Forstwirtschaft, Bavaria
NLC – National Forest Centre, Slovakia
SBS – Kompetenzzentrum Wald und Forstwirtschaft, Staatsbetrieb Sachsenforst, Saxony