Popis článku
Chřadnutí smrkových porostů a stav lesních půd v oblasti severní Moravy a Slezska (PLO 29 a 39).[Decay of Norway spruce stands and quality of forest soils in the region of northern Moravia and Silesia] 147 - 153.
Název článku: | Chřadnutí smrkových porostů a stav lesních půd v oblasti severní Moravy a Slezska (PLO 29 a 39) |
Číslo: | 2 |
Rok: | 2015 |
Autor: | Vít Šrámek, Radek Novotný, Věra Fadrhonsová |
The article presents results of soil conditions on nine ICP Forests plots within the region of northern Moravia and Silesia (Czech Republic), which is affected by Norway spruce decay. Soil profile is strongly acidified with median of pH (CaCl2) < 4 in organic layer and upper 30 cm of mineral soil. Strong deficiency of exchangeable calcium was found in mineral soil down to the depth of 50 cm, magnesium deficiency even to the depth of 60 cm. Potassium content is deficient in the depth of 10–40 cm. Total nitrogen content, on the other hand, is sufficient or good within the soil profile. Extractable contents of potential risk elements in organic layer is increased for cadmium, lead and zinc, which could be ascribed to high anthropogenic deposition in this industrial region. Presented data raise following questions: i) Can we prolong the survival of currently young (20–40 years) Norway spruce stands by liming of fertilizing? ii) Are available nutrients sufficient for sustainable production of broadleaved species, which are usually more demanding on base cations than conifers? iii) What will be the fate of risk elements bound in thick organic layer under spruce, if their mobility will significantly increase?