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Douglaska využívá vodu z hlubší vrstvy půdy než smrk[Douglas-fir uses water from deeper soil layer than Norway spruce] 122-129
Název článku: | Douglaska využívá vodu z hlubší vrstvy půdy než smrk |
Číslo: | 2 |
Rok: | 2022 |
Autor: | František Šach, Vladimír Černohous, Jan Bartoš |
At similar site conditions, effects of two young stands on the topsoil water regime was investigated below Douglas-fir (DF) with European beech (EB) understory and below Norway spruce (NS) stand mixed with European larch (EL) and Scots pine (SP). During 2013–2019 water years the topsoil water volumetric contents (%), the topsoil water volumetric content decrements (in percent points) and the same element (in millimetres of a water column) were studied. Higher topsoil moisture values were indicated below the NS than below the DF. During dormant periods, the greater water quantity percolated below the NS than below the DF (264 mm vs. 110 mm). During growing season, the NS stand consumed more water mainly for evapotranspiration (284 mm) than the DF stand (198 mm). This should be attributable to different water regimes of both tree species and also to south-facing aspect of a steep slope in the NS stand versus northwest-facing aspect of moderate slope in the DF stand.