Popis článku
Obnova vrstev nadložního humusu na zalesněných zemědělských půdách.[Restoration of surface humus layers on afforested agricultural soils] 228 - 234.
Název článku: | Obnova vrstev nadložního humusu na zalesněných zemědělských půdách |
Číslo: | 3 |
Rok: | 2011 |
Autor: | Lenka Hatlapatková, Vilém Podrázský |
The paper documents the state of upper layers on both forest and afforested agricultural soils in Norway spruce and beech stands compared with grassland. The research was conducted in the Orlické hory Mts., on the ecosite of 6K – acid beech-with-spruce forests. Altitude ranges between 780 – 920 m above sea level. The amount and chemical characteristics of the L, F, H and Ah horizons were compared. The restoration of surface humus was described as relatively rapid, showing a legacy of former agricultural use. The effects of beech on afforested agricultural soils were comparable with the spruce though we can suppose the effect of aerial liming at higher altitudes.