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Předpoklady hodnotové produkce břízy bělokoré v sukcesních porostech na severní Moravě.[Prerequisites for silver birch high-quality timber production within succession stands in the region of North Moravia (Czech Republic)] 165 - 172.
Název článku: | Předpoklady hodnotové produkce břízy bělokoré v sukcesních porostech na severní Moravě |
Číslo: | 3 |
Rok: | 2018 |
Autor: | Antonín Martiník, Matúš Sendecký, Jan Krejza, Zdeněk Adamec |
The paper presents differences in estimation of biomass of individual aboveground organs (stem, living branches, dead branches, needles and tree crown) and differences in selected dendrometric parameters of sample trees between young spruce stand growing on the site of acid edaphic categories at the study site of Bedřichov (Českomoravská vrchovina Highland, Czech Republic) and young spruce stand growing on the site of edaphic categories fresh at the study site of Rájec, (Drahanská vrchovina Highland, Czech Republic). Although the stands were of the same age, significant differences were observed between the tree components estimated by the allometric equations and also between dendrometric parameters of these stands. The allometric equations determined for the stem volume estimation for the stand at the Rájec moderately overestimated (on average 5.3%) really determined values for the stand at the Bedřichov. The highest mean relative error of estimation (about 50%) was determined for needle – and living branches biomass. Compared young spruce stands were very different in terms of individual organs of living tree crown biomass. This fact was confirmed by comparison of the aggregate “Rájec model” for the living tree crown with the Bedřichov (determined overestimation of values more than 20%). Differences between compared stands were also found for the stem biomass.