Popis článku
Presnosť buzolového merania s využitím prístrojov používaných v zostavách Field-Map.[Accuracy of compass measurement with the use of devices applied in Field-Map sets] 73 - 80.
Název článku: | Presnosť buzolového merania s využitím prístrojov používaných v zostavách Field-Map |
Číslo: | 1 |
Rok: | 2015 |
Autor: | Julián Tomaštík ml. |
The paper contains the output of research aimed on applicability of compass measurement with the use of laser range-finder Impulse LR 200, electronic compass LTI MapStar Compass Module II and Trupulse 360B range-finder, which are a part of the Field-Map set. The research was aimed on the impact of measured azimuths and lengths precision and the measurement and computation methods on the final accuracy of the position evaluation. Lengths and azimuth measurement analyses showed that the main problem is the azimuth accuracy. In dependence on used equipment, and measurement and computation methods, there is a quite wide interval of mean coordinate error mxy values (0.23–2.95 m). The knowledge of these values framework can help to choose the optimal variant of the solution for the tasks where compass measurement can be applied. The best of the results show the possibility of use in tasks with higher accuracy demands, especially in combination with other measurement methods. In general it can be stated that compass measurement in areas without negative effects on the natural magnetism is the applicable method for the under-canopy forestry mapping and research.