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Půdní chemické vlastnosti rozpracovaných valů a holosečných ploch imisní oblasti Krušných hor.[Soil chemical properties of prepared windrows on clear-felled areas in the Ore Mountains plateau pollution zone] 249 - 257.
Název článku: | Půdní chemické vlastnosti rozpracovaných valů a holosečných ploch imisní oblasti Krušných hor |
Číslo: | 4 |
Rok: | 2008 |
Autor: | Dušan Vavříček, Pavlína Pancová-Šimková, Pavel Samec, Gabriel Baláž |
In immission zone of the Ore Mts. ecotopes (Czech Republic, Central Europe), large clear-felled areas were induced due to air pollution load. Methods of heavy mechanized site preparations for reforestation were used and windrows abundant in organic matter and strip fields with displaced or reduced forest floor were created. If pollution was significantly restricted, revitalization projects for windrowing areas were possible to realize successfully. After passing 20 to 30 years, variously decomposed mixture of soil and organic matter from windrows was spread out over the part of windrowed area. The aim of the work was to perform comparison of chemical and physically chemical properties by above mentioned way created and spread out substrate and by windrowing disturbed top (surface layer) soil on the same mountain sites (Calamagrostio-villosae Piceetum generally, Sphagno-Piceetum with a small-area distribution). The soil substrates with significantly lower values of soil acidity, higher cation exchange capacity and higher content of humus substances originated on sites with spread out windrows. Windrow spreading did not significantly change C/N ratio. However, in case that by windrow revitalization processes of humification can be supported, also preconditions for tree species propagation may occur and those are similar in availability of base elements (Ca 2+, Mg2+ and K+) to zonal soils.