Popis článku
Štruktúra a krátkodobá vývojová dynamika smrekového pralesa v Národnej prírodnej rezervácii Zadná Poľana[Structure and short-term development dynamics of spruce old-growth forest in the National Nature Reserve Zadná Poľana] 258-264
Název článku: | Štruktúra a krátkodobá vývojová dynamika smrekového pralesa v Národnej prírodnej rezervácii Zadná Poľana |
Číslo: | 4 |
Rok: | 2020 |
Autor: | Peter Jaloviar, Pavel Ďurica, Jaroslav Vencurik, Stanislav Kucbel, Ján Pittner, Denisa Sedmáková |
This study analyzes the structure and short-term development of the spruce old-growth forest situated in the National Nature Reserve Zadná Poľana (Slovakia) during the years 2013 and 2018. Spatial positions and measured DBH (d1.3) and height of all living and dead standing trees with DBH d1.3 >8 cm were inventoried in 20 circular permanent research plots. The area of one circular permanent research plot was 1,000 m2. In 2018, additional measurement of trees with DBH d1.3 >2–8 cm and coarse woody debris inventory was carried out. During five years 2013–2018, a number of standing dead trees demonstrated a relatively big difference (-20.3%). Growing stock (+2.2%) and basal area (+1.3%) of the forest stand slightly increased, diameter DBH distribution of living trees remained with no significant change. Lower mortality rate of spruce (17 pcs ha–1) more or less conserved the bimodal structure of the assessed stand. Increase in the number of juvenile trees (9 pcs ha–1) within the first diameter class compensated spruce decrease only partially. Results of our study suggest the presence of the evident changes in the number of trees even over a relatively short period.