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Sukcese mravenců na spáleništi v lesnaté krajině: případová studie z Národního parku České Švýcarsko.[Ant succession on burned areas in forested landscape: a case study from the Bohemian Switzerland National Park] 47 - 52.
Název článku: | Sukcese mravenců na spáleništi v lesnaté krajině: případová studie z Národního parku České Švýcarsko |
Číslo: | 1 |
Rok: | 2015 |
Autor: | Adam Véle, Jaroslav Holuša, Jana Trägnerová |
Ants are animals significantly affected by forest fires. The current study was carried out on three plots near the village Jetřichovice in northern Bohemia (Czech Republic). Those forests burned down in 2006. The central part of the mature stand forest and leaf litter burned completely. Study plots were selected on the basis of burning intensity: (i) a disturbed plot with completely burned wood, (ii) a semi-disturbed plot with burned standing trees, and (iii) an undisturbed plot untouched by fire. On each plot, 14 pitfall traps were installed for a period of 14 days three times per season (June, July, and August) in 3 years (2007, 2008, and 2013). A total of 10 ant species were found because forested rocks are probably not a suitable habitat for ants. Myrmica ruginodis and Formica sanguinea were the most abundant species. In areas affected by forest fire, ants were not present during the first and second year after the fire. Six years after the fire, species richness and abundance were highest on the disturbed plot.