Popis článku
Vývoj lesnického školství v souvislosti s potřebami lesnické praxe.[Evolution of forestry education in relation to needs of practice] 72 - 75.
Název článku: | Vývoj lesnického školství v souvislosti s potřebami lesnické praxe |
Číslo: | 1 |
Rok: | 2007 |
Autor: | Jiří Oliva |
This article analyses the evolution of forestry education in the Czech Republic using available sources of information and compares the situation of the past and present. In 1756 the first document was published which was used as forestry textbook. The first forestry school was established in the Czech Republic in Blatna near Chomutov by Jan Ehrewert in 1773, and another one in 1823 in Moravia in Dačice by Vincenc Hlava. These schools were satisfying the needs of large forest owners. After establishment of Czechoslovakia in 1919 the Ministry of Agriculture approved the principles of forestry education that were very progressive for those days. During the 20th century number of schools as well as their specialization were changing but always considered the needs of forestry as the most dominant. Nowadays the number of 12 forestry-training centres, 6 secondary forestry schools and 2 forestry faculties in the Czech Republic is too high and influences the quality of the Czech school system. Reorganization of educational system in this country is necessary to be done in the future.