Popis článku
Půdotvorná role významných introdukovaných jehličnanů - douglasky tisolisté, jedle obrovské a borovice vejmutovky.[Soil-forming role of important introduced conifers - Douglas fir, Grand fir and Eastern white pine] 29 - 36.
Název článku: | Půdotvorná role významných introdukovaných jehličnanů – douglasky tisolisté, jedle obrovské a borovice vejmutovky |
Číslo: | 1 |
Rok: | 2008 |
Autor: | Vilém Podrázský, Jiří Remeš |
Introduced tree species are not considered as important objects of studies in the Czech forestry at present. Reasons for this trend are especially the environmentalistically based meanings of the state administration. Despite this fact, a wide range of them has considerable economical as well as ecological potential, but in contrast with the productive function, studied in the past quite often, the data about their influence on the other ecosystem compartments are almost missing. The aim of the presented study is to document the effect of selected the most important introduced conifers on the forest soils, especially on the humus forms. The situation in stands of domestic tree species was compared with monocultures of Douglas fir – Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco, Grand fir – Abies grandis (Dougl. ex D. Don) Lindl. and Eastern white pine – Pinus strobus L. All these species were documented as site demanding and soil relatively degrading in studied conditions, remarkably influencing the soil state.