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Rozbor náhodných ťažieb dreva na Slovensku podľa škodlivých činiteľov a lesných vegetačných stupňov.[Salvage cuts analysis in Slovakia with regard to harmful agents and altitudinal vegetation zones] 308 - 317.
Název článku: | Rozbor náhodných ťažieb dreva na Slovensku podľa škodlivých činiteľov a lesných vegetačných stupňov |
Číslo: | 4 |
Rok: | 2008 |
Autor: | Jozef Konôpka, Bohdan Konôpka, Christo Nikolov |
Recently, considerable increase of salvage cuts has been recorded in Slovakia. Therefore, we have performed analysis of the salvage cuts based on forestry management records in the years 2002-2006. The analysis was made with regard to harmful agents (wind, snow, ice, drought, bark beetles, fungi, air pollution, and others), and also according to altitudinal vegetation zones. Results show that the most important harmful agent was wind, followed by bark beetles and fungi. The largest volume of salvage cuts was found in the 5th then in the 6th and 4th altitudinal vegetation zone. As for the wood volume per forest stand hectare base, the order was the 6th, 5th, and 7th altitudinal vegetation zones. Thus, the harmful agents endanger the forest stands mainly in the mountain areas, prevailingly for spruces. The results can be used for takinkg preventive and protective measure with respect to importance of the particular harmful agents under specific conditions of the altitudinal vegetation zones.