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Vliv mechorostů na abundanci klikoroha borového (Hylobius abietis)[Effect of moss cover on the abundance of the large pine weevil (Hylobius abietis)] 213-216
Název článku: | Vliv mechorostů na abundanci klikoroha borového (Hylobius abietis) |
Číslo: | 3 |
Rok: | 2022 |
Autor: | Adam Véle |
Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is a common economic tree in European forests. Pine forests have been damaged due to the outbreak of bark beetles in recent years. As a result, there is a need to reforest large clearings. Replanting conifers seedlings is difficult due to damage caused by the large pine weevil (Hylobius abietis). Knowledge of the influence of environmental parameters on the development of weevils is a prerequisite for reducing abundance. The large pine weevil is tied to fresh stumps in its development. We studied the number of adults leaving the pine stumps in dependence on stump diameter, canopy closure, vegetation and moss cover. The results showed that the weevils respond positively to moss cover near the stumps. The presence of moss probably affects the microclimate and reduces predation risk. Both can positively affect the selection of stumps by females and subsequent development of larvae. Moss removal can be a way how to reduce the damage caused by the large pine weevils.