Popis článku
Výchova smrkových porostů a tvorba horizontů nadložního humusu - experiment Vrchmezí v Orlických horách.[Thinning of Norway spruce stands and formation of forest-floor horizons in experiment Vrchmezi (Eastern Bohemia)] 293 - 299.
Název článku: | Výchova smrkových porostů a tvorba horizontů nadložního humusu – experiment Vrchmezí v Orlických horách |
Číslo: | 4 |
Rok: | 2009 |
Autor: | David Dušek, Marian Slodičák, Jiří Novák |
Effects of thinning were studied in Norway spruce stands within experiment Vrchmezí in the Orlické hory Mts. (North-eastern part of the Czech Republic). The stand lies at an altitude of 880 m in the 6th beech with spruce forest vegetation zone (Piceeto-Fagetum – Avenella flexuosa). The experiment was founded in 1987 in 18-year old spruce stand established by planting with density of 4,000 trees per hectare. Research was done on two comparative plots; control plot without thinning and thinned plot with negative selection from below. The objectives of the study were to find out the possible effects of thinning on basic parameters of stand and litterfall and accumulation of forest floor horizons. The results showed that thinning led to better static stability of trees and to prolongation of their crowns. The difference between litterfall on both variants was not significant. Thus, performed thinning did not cause decrease of litterfall. Dry biomass accumulated in horizon L (litter) was significantly higher on control plot in comparison to thinned plot. It probably means that decomposition on thinned plot was faster. The significant differences in F (fermentation) and H (humus) horizons were not found.