Popis článku
Vývoj depozic imisních látek a jejich vstupu do odtékající vody v oblasti Českomoravské vrchoviny.[Air pollutants deposition development and their input into runoff water in the region of Bohemian-Moravian Highland] 158 - 166.
Název článku: | Vývoj depozic imisních látek a jejich vstupu do odtékající vody v oblasti Českomoravské vrchoviny |
Číslo: | 2 |
Rok: | 2013 |
Autor: | Zdeněk Vícha, Zora Lachmanová, Věra Fadrhonsová, Václav Lochman, Milan Bíba |
In the Pekelsky stream research catchment (Bohemian-Moravian Highland, Czech Republic), the chemistry of precipitation and soil water was studied in different types of forest stands (mature and young spruce and beech stands, clear-cut). Data from 1996 to 2008 showed that the average year fallout of protons decreased both in the stands and in the clear-cuts. In all research plots, decrease of the protone (H+) fallout in precipitation was registered. Within the research plots, decrease of SO42-, Ca2+, Mg2+, Al3+ and heavy metals fallout was recorded. On the other hand, NH4+, NO3-, Cl- showed disunited trends. In the water from humus horizon (O), element concentrations increased. Decomposition of the upper humus layer and organic material of the upper soil horizons releasing measured elements can be stimulated by increased soil temperature depending on high air temperature or after felling.