Popis článku
Vývoj kvantitatívnej produkcie smrekového porastu s rozdielnym východiskovým počtom sadeníc a spôsobom výchovy.[Quantitative production of spruce stands with different initial spacing and tending regime] 37 - 49.
Název článku: | Vývoj kvantitatívnej produkcie smrekového porastu s rozdielnym východiskovým počtom sadeníc a spôsobom výchovy |
Číslo: | 1 |
Rok: | 2013 |
Autor: | Igor Štefančík |
Results of a twenty-year investigation of relationship between silviculture measures and production in 40-year-old afforested spruce pole-stage stand located in a mountain region are presented in the paper. The stand was established by four different spacings: (i) 1.5 × 1.0 m, (ii) 2.5 × 1.0 m, (iii) 2.5 × 1.5 m, (iv) 2.5 × 2.5 m. For each of these spacings three alternatives were investigated in relation to the method of tending: geometrical treatment, selective treatment, no treatment. During the period of our research, the mentioned stand was affected twice by a snow break. Based on the investigation of quantitative production analysis the most favourable results for selective method of tending should be concluded. Under the given conditions, the spacing 2.5 × 1.5 m with initial density of 2667 individuals per hectare and/or a lower number of plants showed the best results.