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Dynamika produkcie biomasy plodníc epigeických sporokarpov v smrekových monokultúrach (Západné Karpaty)[Dynamic of biomass production of epigeic sporocarps in monoculture spruce stands (Western Carpathians)] 197-207
Název článku: | Dynamika produkcie biomasy plodníc epigeických sporokarpov v smrekových monokultúrach (Západné Karpaty) |
Číslo: | 3 |
Rok: | 2020 |
Autor: | Ivan Mihál, Eva Luptáková |
We present the dynamics of biomass production values of macromycetes in relation to the different age of spruce monocultures on former agricultural land (Western Carpathians). Altogether 145 macromycetes were evaluated in fresh weight biomass of sporocarps (kg.ha-1). The highest production ratios of sporocarp biomass were obtained at the permanent research plot (PRP) C – 54-year-old stand (1,732.65 kg.ha-1) and lowest biomass at PRP B – 34-year-old stand (1,028.24). The ectomycorrhizal macromycetes (EM) was the highest production ecotrophical group, which produced 2,700.86 kg.ha-1 of sporocarp biomass with high values in 24-year forest growth. The species Lactarius rufus (906.14 kg. ha-1) had the highest biomass production as well as saprotrophs Rhodocollybia butyracea (174.86) and wood-inhabiting species Hypholoma fasciculare (506.38). The effect of the season showed to be statistically significant for the production of EM species (F = 6.242, p < 0.01). Wood-inhabiting species were influenced by age of stands (F = 5.814, p < 0.001). The seasons, age of stands as well as their interaction were statistically insignificant for terrestrial macromycetes (TS). The condition for optimum production of EM and TS macromycetes was average night temperature 8.2–10 oC, where the relationship of temperature is dependent on 42.1%.